Recent studies confirmed that the fat is innocent of the charges the previous image of being primarily responsible for weight gain, as the fat

Not inconsistent with the agility it may be the way to it, and cites a study of some foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids Kallowes and Alavakato, olive oil and cocoa dark that on the contrary help to reduce the percentage of insulin and triglycerides, which qualify in order to become a factor resistant to fat storage at the level of the abdomen.
Through the study conducted by a team of researchers led by Professor "Katz" at the Center for Research of Public Health at the University of "nights" and published by the magazine "Paris Match" in its latest edition, the study included a number of women volunteers that after a month of tests have improved their health significantly and above the whole lost from 4 to 7 kilograms and 5 Sntimrat of perimeter .
These unsaturated fatty acids are not limited usefulness of the overall shape, but extends to include health, where the study showed that eating this kind of food has decreased rate of fat inside the abdomen by 33% with low cholesterol LDL by 10% and triglycerides by 30%.
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