Calories in almonds
Almond is one of the nuts that brings you more calories. It takes 560 kcal per 100g of almonds, which is almost as much as chocolate! However, the kernel turns out to be very beneficial to health due to its nutritional value. Thus, its tender and flavorful taste allows it to be an ingredient of choice. However, it is advisable to eat only two handfuls of almonds a day to reduce the absorption of calories.

Highlights almonds
Almonds are an excellent source of nutrients, monounsaturated fats (phytosterols), vegetable protein, soluble fiber, vitamins and minerals. These compounds have antioxidant and anticarcinogenic effects. The kernel also contains magnesium, manganese, copper, vitamins B1, B2, B3, E, phosphorus, iron, zinc, calcium and potassium.
According to studies, regular consumption of almonds, about thirty grams per day is beneficial to health, to a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, gallstones, hypertension and colon cancer. They can also help reduce bad cholesterol.

How to consume?
There are several types of almonds on the market. They are chewable like peanuts and you can eat throughout the day, without abusing of course. You can buy on the market almonds already cooked but it is better to buy unbleached raw and roast them in the oven itself. Slivered almonds and golden butter can be used to decorate dishes of fish, chicken, vegetables or pasta.
Dried almonds in shell or shelled sell all year. These fruits tend to go rancid so it is best to buy only small quantities at a time and keep preferably in the refrigerator. Also, it is advisable to buy almonds, which are retained for one year.

Almonds, good for diet?
According to the researchers, the kernel can both satisfy the healthy body, regulate appetite and prevent snacking. It also provides a better nutritional balance. If you follow a diet, you will still care given the number of calories in almonds. They can be eaten in four hours and be with the olive oil, the daily intake of essential fats. And yes, you still need fat when you're on diet, health and prevent constipation. As a rule, do not go down below 10% of calories from fat in your diet.


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