A handful of almonds a day, the first step towards healthy eating

The dietary imbalance is causing the weight gain that often leads to obesity. Recognized as a serious disease that causes severe life-threatening complications, obesity is a major public health worldwide. 32.4% of adults in France are now overweight and that number continues to grow. Children are also increasingly affected: 14.3% of them are affected by obesity (1). Recently, research has shown that the kernel has a good appetite moderator whose consumption does not cause weight gain: good news for the coming of spring!

A recent study published in September 2007 in the British Journal of Nutrition shows that daily consumption of 56g of almonds does not cause weight gain (2). Also promoting satiety through its high fiber and protein, it helps you feel full longer. The results show that the kernel is an ideal snack as part of a diet.

With a portion of 23 almonds a day included in their diet, study participants were naturally offset the calories from almonds consuming less elsewhere. In addition, when consumed whole with the skin (3), the body absorbs only a portion of the fat it contains. Contrary to what one might think, so the kernel provides fewer calories.

The practitioner and nutritionist Dr Arnaud Cocaul tied in the metabolism of Pitie-Salpetriere in Paris of Endocrinology, specializing in the field of management of obesity in adult and young and managing disorders feeding behavior explains: "So far, we avoided eating almonds thinking they were related to weight gain. This study now shows otherwise. Add almonds to the diet can also increase the intake of certain micronutrients, including vitamin E and magnesium ".


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