Health benefits of almonds

A small handful of almonds help in the treatment of many diseases such as Alanima and the fragility of anxiety and contributes almonds in reducing cholesterol LDL in the blood, in addition to the almond oil has many benefits for the hair, skin and offer you today an article about the benefits of almond food and the most important uses of almonds.

Almond useful and effective for the treatment of obesity, it helps to lose weight, because of its content diet rich in protein and fiber that control the desire to eat. In spite of all this, a lot of eating almonds may cause an increase in weight.

Almonds also help to reduce the levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood, lowers high blood pressure levels.
 It is also useful for patients with diabetes and heart disease through diet consumed with.

Luz some important therapeutic properties such  use of heat, analgesic, laxative, diuretic, it also cure for cramps. In addition to that it is rich in nutrients, antioxidants and plant.

The almond diet rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, saturated that helps the prevention of various heart diseases. It also helps to prevent the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Moreover, the almond contains flavonoids that help prevent some types of cancer, such as prostate cancer and breast cancer.

In addition, almonds contains some natural chemicals such as vinyl Secretary, riboflavin, and carnitine that work to strengthen the functions of the nervous system and improve memory.

It also contains almond proteins are easy to digest, especially after being soaked in water for 12 hours to remove the outer shell. Thereby acting as a dietary supplement because it contains healthy material Alomandin.
It's also used almond oil in aromatherapy and massage, he may smell of comfort, as it is rich in vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6 and vitamin E.
In addition to the many benefits of almond oil for the skin and hair, works almond oil a natural for the skin. And also works to soothe inflamed skin. It also gives luster to the skin and stimulates hair growth, and is also a quick absorption oils on the skin. But to be sure to use sweet almond oil on the skin and is not bitter.
Nutritional benefits of almonds
( Health benefits of almonds)
Almond contains many nutrients, such as riboflavin, niacin, magnesium, copper, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and other nutrients. It also contains fatty acids such as omega-6 and omega-9, and dietary fiber.

So that the almond has a low in sodium and does not contain cholesterol. It is also rich in folic acid, so it is an ideal food for women during pregnancy contributes to avoid fetal abnormalities. (health benefits of almonds)
Medical uses for almonds
( health benefits of almonds)
1 - almond is used to treat cough, asthma, bronchitis, when you use a tablespoon of almond oil with 10 drops of ginger juice and lemon juice.

2 - is also used to reduce muscle spasms, when you massage the affected area with a mixture of almond oil with garlic oil in equal proportions.

3 - intake is 3 ounces of almonds a day helps to reduce the level of LDL cholesterol in the blood. As advised by soaking a handful of almonds in the water during the night, with the removal of the crust and eat it in the morning for diabetics on an empty stomach.

4 - light massage of the chest with the use of a mixture of small tablespoons of almond oil with a spoonful of rose oil is very effective when dealing with angina.

5 - for the treatment of anemia, soak 8-10 kernels of almonds in water for two hours. Then removed the outer shell, and grind almond kernels light to form a paste eaten daily for 3 months.
 health benefits of almonds
6 - for the treatment of dry cough caused by high heat, add a few drops of sweet almond oil to a cup of milk and is written.( health benefits of almonds)

7 - to avoid the anxiety and tension, 10 grains of soaked almonds in water overnight, then removed the crust and grind almonds beads. Then add a teaspoon of nutmeg powder with a little ginger. The mixture is added to a cup of milk and drink it.

8 - for freshness and shine of the skin, mix equal amounts of almond oil with honey and placed on the skin.

9 - to treat the effects of sunburn, add 1/2 teaspoon of almond oil with a teaspoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of milk powder and one teaspoon of honey. You can also add some rose petals as well.

10 - to treat dark circles, it is advisable to massage the area under the eyes with almond oil regularly use for a period of at least twice during the week.( health benefits of almonds)

11 - As advised to massage the scalp with almond oil to prevent hair loss.

12 - for the treatment of insomnia, prepare a paste of ground blanched almonds, with the addition of 1/2 tablespoon of poppy seeds, then add the mixture to half a cup of milk, then rub the mixture on the soles of the hand and soles of the feet before going to sleep.
Health benefits of almonds
13 - to improve the process of digestion, it is advisable to take 2 teaspoon of sweet almond oil during the day for a week, and it also helps to strengthen the immune system. health benefits of almonds
 health benefits of almonds
14 - to treat heartburn or acidity, try eating some kernels of raw almonds.

But it must be moderation when eating almonds,  the intake of almonds may cause weight gain, and helps to increase the temperature of the body, especially in hot weather. It also may cause bloating or constipation as well.
Some people may suffer from sensitivity to almonds, so it has to be the experiment first to see whether there is an allergy or not.


  1. Unlike other nuts, they are rich in mono and poly unsaturated fats which help lower bad LDL cholesterol levels. So the heart is the number 1 benefactor of consuming almonds.

    Health Benefits of Almond
